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Leeds Sensory Services

New name, same reliable service!

As you may be aware, for a number of years now, we have delivered services for people who are Deaf, hard of hearing, visually impaired or Deafblind living in Leeds on behalf of Leeds City Council under the name ‘Leeds Hearing and Sight Loss Service’.

We are delighted to have secured the new contract to continue delivering this service and will continue to work with clients, partners and the council to offer support to people across Leeds.

Based on feedback, as of Monday the 11th of September 2023, we have changed the name of the service to ‘Leeds Sensory Services‘.

We will continue to offer a range of services such as:

  • Information, advice and guidance
  • Hearing aid maintenance
  • Social groups
  • Assistive technology
  • Equipment support

We are excited to also be introducing new services for Befriending and Employment Support

To find out more, visit our Leeds Local Services page.

If you have any questions, please contact the team who will be happy to help:

Call: 0113 288 5750
Text: 07702 940 888


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