Latest News
Mobile Karten Centre in Leeds
Our team in Leeds have set up a mobile Karten Centre to offer access to technology and support in Leeds and surrounding areas.
Farewell, Heather!
Farewell, Heather! After 31 years of service, we are saying farewell to a valued member…
Menopause Information Library for the Deaf Community
BID Services has been working in partnership with My Menopause Centre and Holland & Barrett to create an accessible information library for the Deaf community.
Communicating with D/deaf and hard of hearing people
Communication between hearing and D/deaf or hard of hearing (HoH) people may feel daunting for the first time but it shouldn’t stop you from trying. There are many things that hearing people can do to help reduce anxiety for deaf people who may also be nervous or worried about communicating.
Digital Inclusion Projects
We are excited to share news of our recently launched Digital Inclusion Projects in Leeds which are being delivered through our Leeds Sensory Services.
Milton Keynes Sensory Services
Our Milton Keynes team are changing their name and look but still delivering the same brilliant service.