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Michael’s story

Michael has deteriorating sight and was experiencing anxiety. With our support, he was able to build up his confidence and independence.

Michael lives on his own and in addition to his deteriorating sight, he has mild learning difficulties. As a result, Michael is very anxious around strangers. Michael was allocated a Support Worker by BID Services to work with him to address these issues and help him build his confidence and independence.

As our Support Worker built rapport with Michael and gained his trust, Michael shared more details about his life. Michael’s sister and only remaining family member had cancer and this was adding to his anxiety and causing understandable upset as he was worried he would lose her. Our Support Worker supported Michael to work through these feelings and explore sources of support from friends and professionals. During this time, the Support Worker maintained ongoing contact with Michael and also supported with other areas such as bills, prescriptions and utilities. Sadly Michael’s sister passed away, but with the support of his Worker, Michael was able to come to terms with this loss. Michael has gradually built his independence and reduced his anxiety. Whilst he is still nervous, Michael is able to live independently and feels reassured that he has ongoing support from his Worker should he need advice or support going forwards.

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