Befriending offers supportive, reliable relationships through volunteer befrienders to people who would otherwise be socially isolated. It includes support for children and young people, families, people with mental ill-health, people with learning disabilities and older people, and many others. This year’s theme is Befriending is Support.
The results of befriending can be very significant. Befriending often provides people with a new direction in life, opens up a range of activities and leads to increased self-esteem and self confidence.

Val & Bev have been matched for almost 2 years. They see each other regularly and attend one of our social groups at BID Services together. Bev loves to send Val postcards whenever she goes on holiday or visits somewhere new. They enjoy talking about the different places they have been to.
Val said:
“I like befriending because it helps to give me a social life and getting out to meet people. I like getting to have lots of different conversations about lots of topics”.
Bev enjoys befriending because she also gets to meet lots of new people and practice her British Sign Language (BSL) skills.

We have a variety of volunteering opportunities available on our website.
Ready to get started? Fill out one of our application forms today.