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Support for people with hearing loss in Milton Keynes

We can help with information, advice and guidance including BSL Support with English translation, specialist assessment of your hearing loss needs, support with your hearing aids and advice on specialist equipment. 

BSL Services

If you communicate using BSL, we can support you by making the initial contact with service providers who may not know about your communication needs. 

How we can help you:

  • Advice, information and signposting to other services
  • Telephone support for house bills, benefits etc
  • Translate English into BSL
  • Advise local GPs and hospitals to get you the right Communication support. 

We also give advice on information and training in the use of services such as Sign Video, Sign Health and NGT Lite text relay, which may help you to become more independent.

For more information or to make an appointment, please contact us.

We have different ways for you to get in contact with us including Skype, Facebook Messenger and FaceTime.

Hearing Aid Support

Our aim is to help you make the most of your hearing aids. We do this by providing information, advice and training in how best to maintain them.

Guidebook on Ear Mould

Guidebook on Life Mould

Guidebook on Life Tube

List of places where you can collect your hearing aid batteries.

If you have a tubing request for your hearing aids, please contact us.

If you need to re-tube your hearing aid mould, clean it or change the battery, our helpful video guides will show you how.

Resource Centre Appointments

We offer appointments for Hearing Aid support at the Resource Centre. Please contact us if you would like an appointment. If you are housebound, we also have a home visiting service. 

Try our specialist equipment

We have a range of equipment at the Resource Centre available for you to test and try to see if it may be able to help you.

Examples of specialist equipment:

  • Amplified telephones
  • Alerting equipment – for example, doorbells and smoke alarms
  • Personal and TV loop listeners
  • Writing aids and specialist kitchen equipment for people with sight loss
  • Alerting/accessible clocks

Please contact us if you would like an appointment to visit the Resource Centre to try some of the equipment.

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Milton Keynes

Opening hours
Monday – Thursday, 9am – 5pm. Friday, 9am – 4:30pm
Tel 01908 401135
Mobile 07803 452617

Milton Keynes Sensory Services, Gloucester House, 399 Silbury Blvd, Milton Keynes, MK9 2AH.

View location on Google Maps

Want to volunteer with us?

Our volunteers are invaluable and make a huge difference to our work. Whatever your skills, experience and interests, we probably have a volunteering opportunity that will suit you.

A boy with a hearing aid is sitting at the table playing a game, carefully removing bricks from a stack. A member of staff/volunteer is smiling as she watches.