Volunteer Befriender BSL – Birmingham
Location: Birmingham
Service: Birmingham Community Services
Time commitment: One hour or more per week, flexible
The Befriending service is getting a revamp! New developments within the service will be introduced over the upcoming months. The service is encouraging volunteer days and activities. BID provide excellent volunteer support for all its volunteers.
Now is the perfect time to join!
What is a Befriender?
The Befriending service needs volunteers to support people with the Deaf community. A befriender needs to be patient, kind and understanding as many of the people who access the service are isolated or experience communication barriers which may have led to them not feeling confident in the wider communication. Befriending will breakdown this barrier, help rebuild confidence, reduce loneliness and start people building connections with others.
What’s involved?
Befriending volunteers will be matched with a person in the Deaf community to support people who may lack confidence or experience isolation due to communication barriers.
Volunteers and service users can agree on a mutually suitable time to meet either online or face to face. It is an excellent chance to practice your BSL skills whilst providing someone who needs it was companionship and a friendly face.
This is not a caring role. The aim of a befriender is to support and encourage people. Some people might like a cuppa and chat whilst others might prefer to go to local clubs or cafes.
What skills and experience do I need?
For roles supporting BSL users, you will need to have BSL skills – from beginners wanting to practice skills to native speakers. We will be sure to match you with a suitable individual. For those without BSL skills, you will be matched with a non-BSL user.
Great communication skills
Great people skills
What will I gain from volunteering as a befriender?
Being part of a volunteering team
Opportunities to practice BSL Skills and develop confidence.
Opportunities to meet new people and to make a difference to someone’s life.
We will provide full training before you begin your volunteer role. During the training we will cover all areas
Ongoing support will be provided by our Befriending Assistant to ensure you are confident and supported in your volunteer role. We will support you to develop and flourish in your volunteer role as a Befriender.
Policies and Procedures
At BID services we have various policies and procedures to ensure the safety and quality
Apply now
To apply for this role, please download the application form below and email it to us at volunteer@bid.org.uk or to find out more, please drop us an email or call 0121 246 6100.